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Honey on a Hiking Trail

Dec 12, 2024

4 min read



Reading through the Bible systematically year after year is like returning to a favorite hiking trail and enjoying it all over again. Not only do you learn the big picture of the Bible’s story line, you will notice new things you never saw before. 

I have gone from Genesis to Revelation in a year only two or three times. It was refreshing, but at so many seasons in my life it was hard to do it on a regular basis year after year. There is such a large amount of reading that has to be done every day and a considerable task of catching up when I get behind. This, and having little boxes to check off every day, often took the joy from reading and made it a duty to accomplish. Plus, I was not good at juggling a Bible reading schedule with the time needed for Bible studies, either personal, group or ministry related. 

Because of all of the above, I developed a four year system that works for me, and I would love to share with you. 

Dividing up the reading into four years makes the portion for each day manageable.

Here’s the overview:

Each year, beginning at Christmas, I read one of the Gospels. The year I read Luke, I also read Acts. The year I read John, I also read John’s 3 letters and Revelation. 

Every year I read through all of the Epistles. (The year I read Luke, I read the Epistles in the chronological order they were written.) 

The Old Testament is divided into four sections: Books of Moses, History Books, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets. 

The Wisdom Books and Psalms are spread over four years. I finish the year with one Psalm a day from November through Christmas which I find very encouraging. 

I love reading from Crossway’s Reader Bible that has the text spread across the page without verse markings. I personally do not mark in this Bible. It makes for reading the Bible like a story. 

I have also done away with little boxes to check off. At the beginning of each month, I take one of the ribbon page markers and place it on the page where I should finish at the end of the month. The other ribbon marker goes where I am currently reading. I read 2-3 pages a day. Occasionally I check to be sure that I am on target to finish the month at the right spot. This has never felt like a duty. It feels like picking up a novel where you left off and seeing what happens next. 

I begin each day’s reading with the prayer, “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things out of your word.” I read slowly, allowing God’s spirit to soak His word into my heart. I’ll end by talking to God about anything that I was struck with in that reading, trusting Him that He is doing far more than helping me find a daily bit of blessing. He is washing me with His word. Deepening my understanding. Filling my mind with the beauty of truth. As I walk over old paths, I enjoy the familiar and discover new delights. 

This Christmas I am in my third time through the rotation. I will be in the Gospel of Mark. What can I say to encourage you to join me? The Word of God is sustenance and light. It transforms our character. It cheers our hearts. Jesus, the Living Word, is our greatest treasure. The Written Word is the best way to know Him, his ways - his heart.

Christian, you know you want to be faithfully found in the Word - maybe this system will give you the confidence of succeeding that you need to begin. 

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul;

the testimony of the Lord is sure,

making wise the simple;

the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;

the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;

the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;

the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.

More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold;

sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.

Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

Psalm 19:7-11

4 Year Bible Reading Plan

Year One

Year Two

Year Three

Year Four





John 1-12


Romans, 1 Corinthians

Romans, 1 Corinthians


John 13-21, 1,2,&3 John


2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians

2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians

James, Galatians

1&2 Thessalonians, 

1 Corinthians

Romans -

1 Corinthians


1 & 2  Thessalonians, 

1&2 Timothy, Titus,  Philemon, Hebrews

1 & 2  Thessalonians, 

1&2 Timothy, Titus,  Philemon, Hebrews

2 Corinthians, Romans, Ephesians

2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians


James, 1&2 Peter, 

1,2,&3 John, Jude

James, 1&2 Peter, 

1,2,&3 John, Jude

Phile, Col. Phill. 1&2 Tim. Titus 2 Tim. 1&2 Peter

1 & 2 Thessalonians, 

1&2 Timothy, Titus,  Philemon, Hebrews



Joshua, Judges, Ruth

1 Samuel 1-14

Jude, Hebrews

1,2&3 John

James, 1&2 Peter,  Jude

Ezekiel 1-28



1 Samuel 15- 1 Kings 16

Isaiah 1-45

Ezekiel 29- Daniel


Leviticus - Numbers 12

1 Kings 17 - 2 Chronicles 2

Isaiah 46 - Jeremiah 19

Hosea - Jonah


Numbers 13-Deuteronomy 

2 Chronicles 3 - Esther

Jeremiah 20- Lamentations

Micah - Malachi




Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs


November -


Psalms 1-41

Psalms 42-74

Psalms 75-106

Psalms 107-150

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