Being misunderstood is hard. Being wrongly accused is harder.
Not being able to speak in one's own defense is worse.
The only thing that sustained me was the conviction that ultimately it was my Loving Lord and Sovereign Savior who had kept me silent and blind and that one day he, who sees and hears all, would set all things right.
Moved by mercy
He loosed the tongue of the mute.
Carried by compassion
He opened the eyes of the blind.
Listen! Look! How loving is my Lord!
I want to speak.
I want to give breath to the words
groaning deep within my soul
yearning for release.
I want to be heard.
But, Jesus says, “No.”
I want to see.
I want to clear away the fog
seeping into my thoughts
blurring lines and sides and issues.
I want to understand.
But Jesus says,“No.”
Loving Lord and Sovereign Savior,
I will sit by you and be silent.
I will walk with you and be sightless.
And Jesus says,
“My voice thunders like many waterfalls.
My eyes are like flames of fire.
Rest in my love for you.”