Pour Out Your Heart Prayer Journal
Diário de Oração Pour Out Your Heart: Um Planejador para uma Vida de Oração
Projetado para uso ao longo de muitos anos, este diário personalizável ajuda as mulheres a desenvolver uma vida de oração alegre e intencional
Neste lindo diário de oração, as mulheres são encorajadas a encontrar seu próprio ritmo para oração consistente e estudo da Bíblia. Destinado a ser usado por muitos anos, este diário de capa dura durável apresenta um método exclusivo que guia os leitores em direção a uma vida de oração intencional e focada nas Escrituras.
O layout inclui quatro seções principais personalizáveis: Daily Gospel Truth, Promises, Prayers e Provisions. Projetado para ser usado diariamente, semanalmente ou até mesmo algumas vezes por ano, o diário inclui Escrituras sugeridas, orações, hinos e muitos outros recursos. O Pour Out Your Heart Prayer Journal ajuda as mulheres a encontrar alegria por meio da oração ao longo de décadas de suas vidas.
Personalizável: Inclui 4 seções de diário com instruções claras para uma experiência personalizada de oração e estudo da Bíblia
Lindamente projetado: possui um marcador de fita, papel de diário de alta qualidade, uma capa durável e encadernação plana
Uma ótima ideia de presente para mulheres: este diário de orações é um ótimo presente para aniversários, Dia das Mães e outras celebrações

“Our love for the Lord deepens immensely when our prayers are Scripture-filled and when our prayer time is structured. And yet, I’ve often been haunted by that one crucial question: How? The Pour Out Your Heart Prayer Journal is a beautiful tool designed to train believers to thoughtfully cultivate a prayer life that is both Scripture-shaped and deeply personal. Lois Krogh’s approach is not heavy-handed, and yet she holds our hands just enough to guide us to develop rhythms for a lifetime of communing with the Lord.”
Caroline Saunders, author, The Story of Home and The Story of Water
“Often, prayer feels like a burden, like something to figure out and struggle through. I’m constantly wondering how to grow in it. And yet, as Lois Krogh reminds us, it is entirely worth the pursuit. As we pray, the more we pray; and the burden becomes ‘an unburdening of the heart.’ I love how Krogh’s journal aids this pursuit and bolsters the heart in the promises and provisions of God. I commend it to you and to anyone you know who wants to grow in communing with the Lord through prayer.”
Kristen Wetherell, author, Help for the Hungry Soul and the For the Bible Tells Me So board book series
“My daily prayer is often haphazard and distracted. I want to be more organized, but lists can become something to just check off. I long to more regularly and closely commune with God in prayer. Thank you, Lois, for this excellent resource! Starting with gospel truths and scriptural promises keeps the right focus, and the journal is divided into helpful sections to remember everything in prayer.”
Keri Folmar, pastor’s wife in Dubai; author
“Before learning Lois Krogh’s prayer method at a spiritual retreat, I had longed to know how to bring Scripture more fully into my prayer life. Now, having incorporated her beautiful practice of praying God’s word, I am experiencing a new intimacy with God as I speak his very own language of love, truth, and promise back to him. As I call upon him, he inclines his ear to me and sustains me with his faithfulness. Others have asked me to share how they, too, might create their own Bible prayer journals. How wonderful that the Pour Out Your Heart Prayer Journal is now available for anyone who would like to build their prayer life on the sure foundation of God’s word!”
Lisa Bennett Forkner, Trustee, Gordon College; Trustee, Christian Camps and Conferences, Inc.