This last Sunday we sang, O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer. I’ll be singing it all week as I meditate on the gospel as I begin to pray.
I recently read a short biography of Charles Simeon by John Piper. Simeon was a pastor in the same church for 50+ years who endured tremendous opposition and criticism. I was delighted to find how essential he believed it was to review Gospel Truth Daily and how such a review was a great help to our prayers.
“There are but two objects that I have ever desired for these forty years to behold: the one, is my own vileness, and the other is the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. . . . By this I seek to be, not only humble and thankful, but humbled in thankfulness, before my God and Savior continually.”
“I look, as the chief of sinners, for the mercy of God in Christ Jesus to life eternal, and I live adoring the Sovereignty of God in choosing such a one—and the mercy you of God in pardoning such a one—and the patience of God in bearing with such a one—and the faithfulness of God in perfecting his work and performing all his promises to such a one.”
“By constantly meditating on the goodness of God and on our great deliverance from that punishment which our sins have deserved, we are brought to feel our vileness and utter unworthiness; and while we continue in this spirit of self-degradation, everything else will go on easily.
We shall find ourselves advancing in our course;
We shall feel the presence of God;
We shall experience His love;
We shall live in the enjoyment of His favor and in the hope of His glory.
"You often feel that your prayers scarcely reach the ceiling; but, oh, get into this humble spirit by considering how good the Lord is, and how evil you all are, and then prayer will mount on wings of faith to heaven.
“The depths of the human heart are never more disposed than when a man comes into the presence of his Maker. Then he opens all his wants, and supplicates relief for all his necessities.”