I got the idea for using sticky notes in my prayer journal from Paul Miller's prayer cards. In his book he discusses both the need to have a "system" when we pray and our natural bent to not want one. He says:
"Deep within the American psyche is the 1960's Romantic idea, originally from Emerson and Rousseau, that if something doesn't feel natural, it isn't real. We think spiritual things - if done right - should just flow. But if you have a disability, nothing flows, especially in the beginning."
We all have a disability - we are human, by nature sinners living in a fallen world ruled by a hateful enemy. BUT the God of grace has made us new creations and given us His spirit so that we can be changed little by little, one step at a time. Having a system to help us learn to pray is a gift from God.
One day we will talk with God face to face! No system needed.

The Sticky Note System:
Who we pray for and how many people we pray for will change as we grow and as the seasons of our lives change. This is to be expected.Â
Even as you grow, let me counsel you: there is only one great and perfect intercessor: Jesus. He took on flesh not only to be a perfect substitute for us but also so that he could sympathize with our weaknesses as he intercedes on our behalf. Jesus is forever praying for all those he loves and knows by name. You and I are not Him. I can not and was never meant to pray for everyone. And I can not pray for some people indefinitely. Neither can you.Â
And so I introduce to you The Sticky Note! A little piece of paper with tacky tape on one side that changed how I organized my prayers. We will use it in slightly different ways in different sections. The big idea is that names of people/groups or prayer requests that change will go on a sticky note. Names of people and prayer requests from scripture that do not change will be written into the journal. You will see how it works as we go forward.Â
You may want to keep a pack with you. My husband has lamented that he never investedÂ
in Post-It notes.Â