The kind of persecution that I experience is far different from those who have been martyred for their faith. Still I am called to daily lay down my life.
Help me to "overcome my appetites for things that do not bring me closer to Jesus.
"Help me to overcome my propensity to always put myself first.
"Help me to overcome my fear of what other people will think of me as I identify with Jesus.
"Help me to wake up every day and live out each day facing whatever comes, determined to keep trusting in your promises.
"Help me to see through the false veneer into the true ugliness and evil of this word's systems, philosophies and priorities.
"Help m to orient my life toward the new creation, refusing to expect that life lived under the current order will eventually satisfy or sustain me.
"May by greatest anticipation be the rest and enjoyment of being in your presence."
Taken from Blessed, by Nancy Guthrie
Photo from Marilee Melvin