After five weeks of travel, a quiet Thanksgiving was just what we needed. With almost all the Christmas decorations in place, I can turn my attention to what must be done to welcome the whole crew here in a few weeks! I have often been quieted in the busy by thinking about Mary's response to the very first Christmas.
"But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart." Luke 2:19
It is important to have time to ponder.
About what really matters.
About what true treasure is.
To that end, I'd like to share a poem I wrote after Christmas 2009. It was our last Christmas as a nuclear family. Both sets of grandparents were there.
Steve, as usual, brought the fun. I wrote this to thank him.
To My Beloved, Christmas Day Eve 2009
Gifts opened,
Surprises known.
Joys shared,
Memories grown.
But the gift
Behind the rest
Is the one
We love the best.
A faithful father,
Perpetual provider,
Intentionally supportive,
Naturally clever.
Your children have no context
For vicious thoughts of God,
Because you walk in honor
And spare them from such fraud.
Instead there has been profit
From your resolute fidelity,
From your pardon and example,
And uncommon generosity.
With them I add my praise,
My thanks and admiration,
For your gentleness and patience,
And sustaining inspiration
Friend and Lover
Truthful sage.
Stubbornly hopeful,
Gracefully aged.
Though you are a good gift
Behind all the rest,
You’ve set my heart to treasure
Final love the best.
Perfect gift,
Flawless love,
Realized joy,
Heaven above.