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Laughing at Power

6 days ago

3 min read



The discipleship groups at my church are studying the book of Esther this spring. In the first chapter, the reader comes up against the power and wealth of the king. But we are not meant to be in awe or fear. The author intends for us to laugh at the foolishness of it all. Worldly power can appear powerful. But it is unstable. It is ultimately unable to determine the destiny of God's people. There is only one true King who is always working for his people even when we can not see him. Here are two poems I wrote many years back - to try to put worldly power in biblical perspective. These are followed by the lyrics to a beautiful song about the One True King

Drips and Dust


                                               Authority, Influence

                              Support staff, Press secretaries, Security detail

             Directives, rulings, discourses, Earnings, Gifts, Expense accounts

                            Modern technology, Timeless art, Opulent offices

                                                  Luxury, Affluence


What must be the Magnificence of The One to whom all this is but a drop from a bucket       or the dust on a scale?

Behold, the nations are like a drop from a bucket, and are accounted as the dust on the scales; behold, he takes up the coastlands like fine dust. Isa. 40:15

Sarah Laughed

Sarah laughed and I know why. If she hadn’t have laughed, she might have cried. The death of her dreams filled her with grief. Laughter covered her unbelief.

“Stars in the sky and sands on the sea? A nation of kings born out of me? ”The scope of the promise made Sarah feel small. The reality inside her furnished no hope at all.

Father of Sarah, to your church you have given Promises of triumph, a new earth and new heaven. Comparing ourselves to the powers that be, makes us feel helpless, hopeless and weak.

They have position, influence and riches. They regulate politics, education and business. They are the mighty, the wise and the noble. We are the paltry, the laughable humble.

Sarah’s doubt was uncovered by the One who could see and answer her cry.  "What’s too hard for me?“ She would laugh again soon with immeasurable joy. The unbelievable happened.  She gave birth to a boy!

This laughter rings out through the pages of Scripture. Implausible happenings there often are pictured.

With a word God divided the night from the day and fashioned a man from a piece of clay.  

A slave rose to be the second in command.

His heirs escaped capture crossing sea on dry land.

Water came from a rock.  Walls tumbled from singing.

A boy slew a giant with a stone and a sling.

And what great reversal could ever compare

to the death on Mt. Calvary and the victory won there?

For laughter rang out in the heavenly sphere

when the enemy was vanquished and the King, risen, appeared.

In Him all the promises are "Yes!  It is true!”

He’s watching and working till all things are made new.

His is the Kingdom, the power and glory.

Stop doubting and laugh through the end of the story.

To The King

To the King who gave everything for me

Who's body crucified, high on Calvary's Tree

Who's redemptive blood makes way for me

I now give everything

To the King who came in the form of a child

All powerful God; and yet, so mild

Whose obedience shows the way for me

I humbly come to Thee

To the King, the one true royalty

Though King, He has befriended me

But greater still, He lives in me

I give Him everything

To the King alone I will give my life

To the King I will sing both day and night

To the Lamb of God who has paid the price

To the King alone I will give my life


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